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Perfect House, Secret Location: Steve Jones on why home hunters aren’t so fussed about location in 2022

The TV presenter gives us the inside track on his new Channel 4 property show, where home hunters are blindfolded and whisked off to secret locations.

Guest Author
Words by: Matilda Battersby


It’s been almost 22 years since hit property show Location, Location, Location arrived on our screens.

While location remains a key driver in where many of us choose to live, a new property programme suggests it might not have the same power it once did.

Steve Jones is the presenter of Perfect House, Secret Location, a new Channel 4 property programme with a twist.

In the first episode, which aired last week, and continues on Thursdays at 8pm for the next three weeks, Jones jokes that Kirstie Allsopp and Phil Spencer were unavailable.

Instead of the cosy house hunting we’re used to, this series injects a bit of drama in the form of blindfolds and a van with dark windows.

Here, Jones talks about making the show and watching house hunters decide between the property - and the location.

What’s the idea behind Perfect House, Secret Location?

"The show tests out whether it’s the house or the location that's most important to a house hunter.

"We do this by slinging the house hunters in the back of a blacked-out van, blindfolding them and driving them across the country.

"I drive them to see four homes in places that they might not have looked at in a million years. They have no idea where they are and later have to rank the four houses.

"Sometimes they even decide to put an offer in. And, it can open their eyes to totally different places to live, and the kind of home that is in their range there.

"It may sound bonkers, and a bit like kidnapping. But technically they’ve agreed to it in advance."

So the homes you show house hunters could be literally anywhere?

"The location could be anywhere in the UK. But, this is the first four shows, so we decided not to go too crazy.

"The biggest distance we had was between Hartlepool and Devon.

"Some of people on the show live in big cities and have a lot of equity tied up in their ordinary-sized family houses.

"We put them in the van and drive them a couple of hours away, and the next thing you know, they’re looking at a seven-bedroom Georgian pile with a massive garden.

"You can see it literally blowing their minds at what their money will buy outside of a major city.

"Part of the process was finding people who are adventurous. All of our house hunters were open to anything!

"But of course we sit down with them beforehand and find out exactly what would tick all the boxes for them. And then our army of very talented producers go and find homes for them."

Contestants on Perfect House, Secret Location, blindfolded in a van en route to a property viewing
Image: Contestants on Perfect House, Secret Location, blindfolded in a van en route to a property viewing

Why do you think house hunters are less concerned with location in 2022?

"Size comes into it. People want more space, they want big gardens. They don't want to be overlooked. They want space within their homes to grow.

"Of course a lot has changed in the past couple of years. We've all got extraordinary technology in our houses. You don't really have to live on the same street as your family or near your work, because we can all connect online whenever we want to.

"The country is more of an option for people now, because they know there's more to be gained than lost, I think."

How did house hunters respond to being bundled into a van?

"Again, for the record, it’s not kidnapping if they agree to it. But, seriously, I hadn’t anticipated how car sick they’d feel.

"When you’re in the back of a van with blacked out windows, it plays havoc with your stomach. Luckily all the participants were excellent sports.

"But, for anyone who wants to come on the show in future, remember the sickness tablets. Or a bucket!"

Has the show made you think about where you want to live?

"Yes, absolutely. My wife and I have always talked about living by the sea. We live by a lake at the moment in Maidenhead.

"For the first episode we saw a house in St Leonard’s-on-sea in Hastings and I absolutely loved it there. So we’re going to have a trip down there to look at options I think.

"Although it’s tricky for us because I need to live on the M4 corridor, so I can get to Wales easily. But sometimes you just have to find a place and go for it."

Perfect House, Secret Location is on Channel 4 at 8pm

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