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Real home story: an epic kitchen makeover revealed

Discover how Interior Designers created the kitchen of dreams for a client, transforming her space into the unrecognisable.

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Words by: My Bespoke Room

Taking on a large-scale project can feel super daunting. When Louise reached out to us, her home was in the midst of a shiny new extension and the common worries about how best to use the new space kicked in.

By coming to us at My Bespoke Room, Louise was able to get so much value out of her new space and receive a stunning kitchen that ticked all of her boxes.

Find out how we solved all of Louise’s space woes!

How to make the most of a kitchen extension

My Bespoke Room: kitchen renovation transformed from living room - before
My Bespoke Room: kitchen renovation transformed from living room - after

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Often clients come to us when they are worried that their extension might not be big enough to fulfil their needs or it may be so big that they are overwhelmed by how to fill the space.

At first, Louise's husband wasn't quite sold on the idea of bringing in an Interior Designer. However, one of our designers, Milena, quickly won him over!

Louise said, “Milena added so much value to what we were doing. I sort of knew what I wanted in terms of layout, but she was able to bring so much extra to it and pull it all together so that the whole thing flowed really well together.”

One of the highlights of Milena's genius was when she noticed a tiny hiccup in the architectural plans - a dining zone that just didn't quite fit the bill. So, she swooped in with a brilliant suggestion: extending the extension by an extra metre for that perfect dining space

It’s subtle details like this that can be easily missed and make it so worth bringing a designer on board during an extension.

Milena planned the perfect layout which effortlessly filled the large space, making it feel cosy and homely whilst maintaining that breezy, open vibe.

With effective zoning, she developed a clear definition between the living space and kitchen space so that the extension didn’t just feel like a mishmash of rooms.

Thanks to the expertise of an Interior Designer, what once seemed like a daunting task of filling up all that space turned into a fun and exciting process!

Creating a functional space that doesn’t compromise on style

Louise wanted a functional space that could bring her family of four together without sacrificing aesthetics.

“For our kitchen/family room, we just wanted a space that we could all live in together that was really practical as well as looking stylish” she says.

Milena made sure to tick all of these boxes by creating the ultimate social space. 

For instance, the family wanted a large TV for cosy movie nights, but the couple was wary that this may become an eyesore. With a stroke of genius, Milena decided to paint the backing wall a darker shade, slyly diverting attention from the TV and transforming it into a seamless part of the decor.

The blue and yellow colour palette is so stylish and puts neutral schemes to shame. The shades bring energy to the space all while creating a striking contrast which creates real wow factor.

The bold blue cabinets are definitely the star of the show in the kitchen, becoming a stunning focal point, effortlessly shifting focus away from less glamorous essentials like the fridge.

We loved the couple’s brave colour choice as it adds so much personality to the space - having a designer on your side can give you the confidence to make more daring decisions.

Crafting cohesion in an open-plan space

Another common struggle our clients faced was achieving cohesion in their open space without falling into the trap of everything looking too uniform.

One sure way to make an open area look put together is by having consistent flooring throughout, the stunning wooden herringbone flooring in Louise’s kitchen brought both unity and warmth.

And that bold feature wall isn’t just a clever disguise for the TV, it provides a vital link to the kitchen, creating cohesion and flow between the two different spaces.

Finishing touches also help to tie everything together. For instance, metal accents such as the pendant lights, cabinet handles and details like the candle sticks in the living space add a touch of traditionalism to the modern space and ensure cohesion.

Louise said, “With Milena, we knew that all the specs, sizes and the colours and everything were exactly as we wanted so we didn’t have to overthink it. We knew it was going to work.”

Space-saving solutions

My Bespoke Room: hallway before renovation
My Bespoke Room: hallway after renovation

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With the new extension meaning that Louise’s old kitchen became the hallway, there was a chance for Milena to install some clever storage solutions.

Often we see clients struggle with what to do with their under stairs space, Milena had the perfect idea - a little reading nook nestled next to a tall cupboard perfect that’s for hiding away the pesky hoover or cleaning supplies. 

Another way to stop clutter from taking over the kitchen was by adding a comfy bench seating that has sneaky storage boxes underneath. 

It's the ultimate multitasker, providing extra seating for the next gathering while keeping the space clutter-free.

Personalising a brand-spanking new space

Having a sparkly new space is very exciting, but the family feared the modern space may feel a little unhomely.

“During a large-scale project, the interior can get forgotten about, but actually that’s the most important bit because it’s what people see and it’s what make it a home,” says Louise.

One way Milena made sure the new space felt like home was by suggesting a gallery wall which Louise filled with her own photos from family holidays.

And while matching flooring is key for cohesion, it can make the space feel a little cold. That’s where the living room rug swoops in, zoning the space off from the kitchen and adding a layer of comfort.

Finally, house plants also brought vibrancy and life to the kitchen, bringing the outdoors in and adding texture to the sleek surroundings.

We can help you bring your dream kitchen to life from just £395. So if you’re looking for a space that ticks all the functional boxes whilst looking completely stylish, get in touch.

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