Local area guide

Living in Bathgate

Thinking about moving to Bathgate? Discover why it's a great place to live, fun things to do here, what the local schools and transport connections are like - and of course the most important thing of all: how much houses cost to buy.

Your guide to moving to Bathgate

Why Bathgate is a good place to live

Bathgate, located just 5 miles west of Livingston and adjacent to the M8 motorway, is a charming and inviting place to consider moving to. Offering a rich history that dates back to 3500 BC and signs of habitation visible at the nearby Neolithic burial site at Cairnpapple Hill. Notably, Bathgate caters to families with a variety of good schools at nursery, primary, and secondary level, and plenty of local amenities such as supermarkets, restaurants, and cafes. Additionally, the town’s connectivity is enhanced by bus services and the re-opened Bathgate-Edinburgh railway line, making commuting a breeze. Resident satisfaction is noticeable in the sought-after location of Wester Inch Village, which touts local parks, schools, and facilities in close reach.

What's Bathgate famous for?

Bathgate is famous for being home to Westlothiana lizziae, the world's oldest known reptile fossil. The discovery of such an important historical artifact has brought some renown to this small town. Additionally, Bathgate showcases its history through the annual Bathgate Procession & John Newland Festival, which celebrates the marriage of Marjorie Bruce, daughter of King Robert I of Scotland, to Walter Stewart. Apart from its historical offerings, the town earned recognition during the industrial revolution with the Bathgate Chemical Works, which in 1852 became the world's first commercial oil-works. These aspects serve to highlight Bathgate’s industrial heritage, making it an interesting place reflective of the nation’s history.

Things to do in Bathgate

There are numerous things to do in Bathgate for both residents and visitors. The town offers rich history through the Bennie Museum, which houses items connected to the town's history and exhibits of childhood life. Cinephiles can enjoy the frequent films shown at Bathgate Cinema, and theatre-goers can revel in the performances on offer at The Regal community theater. Be it day or night, Bathgate always has something happening, with the town offering a variety of shopping options with local and chain stores and even boasting a lively nightlife with bars, pubs, and nightclubs. Outdoor enthusiasts can head to the Ballencrieff Fishery for fly fishing or climb the Bathgate Hills for a cycle tour, while golfers can take a swing at the Bathgate Golf Club.

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Average asking prices in Bathgate today

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Avg. asking price


26 properties for sale


Avg. asking price


60 properties for sale


Avg. asking price


17 properties for sale


Avg. asking price


36 properties for sale

Properties currently for sale in Bathgate

Whether you're looking to buy a family home or a beautiful apartment, we've got you covered.

Transport in Bathgate

Find the nearest train stations and other transport links in Bathgate.

Local connections

National Rail
0.1 miles / 0.2 km
Armadale (West Lothian)
National Rail
2 miles / 3.2 km
Livingston North
National Rail
3.8 miles / 6.1 km
National Rail
4.2 miles / 6.8 km
West Calder
National Rail
4.4 miles / 7.1 km
National Rail
4.4 miles / 7.1 km

Schools in Bathgate

Discover local primary schools, secondary schools and sixth form colleges in Bathgate.

Education in Bathgate

St Mary's Primary School
Balbardie Primary School
Windyknowe Primary School
Simpson Primary School
Bathgate Academy
St Columba's Primary School

Local pubs in Bathgate

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