Local area guide

Living in Bilston

Thinking about moving to Bilston? Discover why it's a great place to live, fun things to do here, what the local schools and transport connections are like - and of course the most important thing of all: how much houses cost to buy.

Your guide to moving to Bilston

Why Bilston is a good place to live

Bilston, nestled in the heart of Staffordshire, is a charming town brimming with history and culture. Living in Bilston offers an enriching blend of past and present. The town has seen substantial development while retaining its traditional charm. From the refurbished Bilston Town Hall that dates back to 1872, modern housing projects, to excellent infrastructure for transport, Bilston presents a vibrant lifestyle. The well-connected West Midlands Metro tram line supports easy travel to Wolverhampton and Birmingham. Moreover, the town's rich heritage as a hub for enameling and steel industry injects an extra oral of identity and character, making Bilston a unique place to call home.

What's Bilston famous for?

Steeped in history, Bilston is famous for its skillful craft of enameling, which was prevalent especially in the 18th century. This artful legacy is visible in items such as bonbonnieres, patch-boxes, and scent boxes. Bilston's vibrant past also carries the weight of the Industrial Revolution, transforming from a rural area to an industrial hub with several factories and coal mines. The town’s market has been a centerpiece for years, contributing significantly to the local economy. A striking element of the town, indeed, is the beautifully refurbished Bilston Town Hall that serves as a venue for various local events and gatherings.

Things to do in Bilston

For cultural enthusiasts, an engaging visit to the Bilston Craft Gallery could prove fruitful. As the home displays significant local 18th-century art and craftworks and offers workshops, it's a fantastic learning platform. Further, the Bilston Town Hall hosts events that can uplift your social calendar. To immerse in nature and tranquillity, Hickman Park offers a delightful escape with its public events and green space. Art lovers can admire the 'Steel Columns,' the wooden statues that celebrate Bilston's steelmaking history. After a day of exploration, enjoying some local culinary delights, such as the town's famous orange chips, would surely end the day on a tasty note.

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Average asking prices in Bilston today

We update our average asking prices every day using data from millions of properties for sale.


Avg. asking price


26 properties for sale


Avg. asking price


37 properties for sale


Avg. asking price


60 properties for sale


Avg. asking price


15 properties for sale

Properties currently for sale in Bilston

Whether you're looking to buy a family home or a beautiful apartment, we've got you covered.

Transport in Bilston

Find the nearest train stations and other transport links in Bilston.

Local connections

National Rail
3.9 miles / 6.3 km
National Rail
4.3 miles / 6.9 km
National Rail
4.7 miles / 7.6 km
National Rail
4.8 miles / 7.7 km
National Rail
4.8 miles / 7.7 km
Wester Hailes
National Rail
5.1 miles / 8.2 km

Schools in Bilston

Discover local primary schools, secondary schools and sixth form colleges in Bilston.

Education in Bilston

Bilston Primary School
Roslin Primary School
Paradykes Primary School
Loanhead Primary School
St Matthew's Primary School
Rosewell Primary School

Local pubs in Bilston

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