Local area guide

Living in Burry Port

Thinking about moving to Burry Port? Discover why it's a great place to live, fun things to do here, what the local schools and transport connections are like - and of course the most important thing of all: how much houses cost to buy.

Your guide to moving to Burry Port

Why Burry Port is a good place to live

Burry Port, fondly referred to as 'West Wales’ best-kept secret' is a tranquil haven brimming with charm. Moving to Burry Port offers an exceptional quality of life, staged in breath-taking scenics of expansive beaches, imposing parks, and its iconic harbour. Our resident, Richard Nash, raves of the calm and serenity that even a busy day in Burry Port cannot exhaust. Living in Burry Port means you get to enjoy the liberating expanses of sandy beaches and a healthy dose of Mother Nature's finest at the Millennium Coastal Park. And for the families, there's Ysgol Parc y Tywyn, a state-of-the-art school that presents excellent learning opportunities for the little ones.

What's Burry Port famous for?

Living in a town that rewards you with mesmerising sights and rich history is a luxury that Burry Port residents enjoy. Burry Port is famous for playing host to the adventurous Amelia Earhart in 1928 as she halted her transatlantic flight journey right in our intriguing harbour town. The fable of her landing is etched in time in the Amelia Earhart Gardens and an imposing Grade II-listed monument. Burry Port's fame is also founded in its remarkable past that traces back to an era of vibrant industry, including the harbour heralded as a shipping beacon and renowned munitions works back in the days.

Things to do in Burry Port

If you are a fan of nature walks, watersports or simply sunbathing on the beach, Burry Port is the place for you. Immerse yourself in the inviting landscapes at Pembrey Country Park and lose yourself in the elegant beauty of the Millennium Coastal Park. Spend your afternoons with sand between your toes at the award-winning Cefn Sidan beach before savouring a delicious serving of chips at Joseph’s Fish Bar. For the bold and adventurous, the high-speed racing at Pembrey Circuit promises exhilarating experiences. Enrich your stay in Burry Port by tracing back the town's illustrious past along the Pembrey and Burry Port Heritage trail.

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Average asking prices in Burry Port today

We update our average asking prices every day using data from millions of properties for sale.


Avg. asking price


10 properties for sale


Avg. asking price


45 properties for sale


Avg. asking price


29 properties for sale


Avg. asking price


6 properties for sale

Properties currently for sale in Burry Port

Whether you're looking to buy a family home or a beautiful apartment, we've got you covered.

Transport in Burry Port

Find the nearest train stations and other transport links in Burry Port.

Local connections

Pembrey & Burry Port
National Rail
0.2 miles / 0.3 km
National Rail
3.9 miles / 6.3 km
National Rail
4.4 miles / 7.1 km
National Rail
6.6 miles / 10.6 km
National Rail
7.4 miles / 11.9 km
National Rail
7.7 miles / 12.4 km

Schools in Burry Port

Discover local primary schools, secondary schools and sixth form colleges in Burry Port.

Education in Burry Port

Glan-y-Mor School
Parc Y Tywyn School
Burry Port Community Primary School
Pembrey C.P. School
Pwll C.P. School
Trimsaran C.P. School

Local pubs in Burry Port

In partnership with
  • Coasting Pilot

    Burry Port, Dyfed, SA16

    We are a small hotel set in the wonderful seaside town with close road and rail links on our doorstep we are perfect for a short get away. weekend you will find nothing is too much trouble to guarantee your comfort.