Local area guide

Living in Castle Douglas

Thinking about moving to Castle Douglas? Discover why it's a great place to live, fun things to do here, what the local schools and transport connections are like - and of course the most important thing of all: how much houses cost to buy.

Your guide to moving to Castle Douglas

Why Castle Douglas is a good place to live

Castle Douglas is a wonderful place to call home, especially if you have a penchant for good food and history. Known as Scotland's 'Food Town', it boasts a selection of quality food businesses, bakers, and artisanal ice cream producers. It's a paradise for food lovers with more than 50 independently owned food-related businesses to satisfy your cravings. It's not just food that makes Castle Douglas special, there's also a rich history waiting to be discovered. Plus, it is well connected to major cities, allowing for easy commuting. The presence of various amenities like a library, swimming pool, and bus hub adds to its appeal.

What's Castle Douglas famous for?

Castle Douglas is famed for its significant historical importance. Featuring the impressive Threave Castle, once home to the powerful Earls of Douglas, the town offers a fantastic glimpse into history. It also proudly holds the title as Scotland's Food Town. With around 50 businesses connected to the food industry, it's no wonder that Castle Douglas is a paradise for food enthusiasts. Additionally, it's known for its vibrant livestock market, Wallets Mart, which even received a royal visit from Queen Elizabeth II in 2010.

Things to do in Castle Douglas

Spend an afternoon immersed in local art at the Castle Douglas Art Gallery, or escape the hustle and bustle by exploring the panoramic Carlingwark Loch. If you fancy a historical trip, hop on a ferry to Threave Castle or wander the well-manicured landscapes of Threave Gardens. Sports fans can cheer for the local football team, Threave Rovers, at Meadow Park. Despite the cancellation of the annual Civic Week parades, there are still plenty of unique shops and delightful dining options on King Street to explore. Whether you're a foodie or a history buff, there's always something to do in Castle Douglas.

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Average asking prices in Castle Douglas today

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27 properties for sale


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29 properties for sale


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11 properties for sale


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12 properties for sale

Properties currently for sale in Castle Douglas

Whether you're looking to buy a family home or a beautiful apartment, we've got you covered.

Transport in Castle Douglas

Find the nearest train stations and other transport links in Castle Douglas.

Schools in Castle Douglas

Discover local primary schools, secondary schools and sixth form colleges in Castle Douglas.

Education in Castle Douglas

Castle Douglas Primary School
Castle Douglas High School
Gelston School
Crossmichael School
Hardgate School
Dalbeattie Primary School

Local pubs in Castle Douglas

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