Local area guide

Living in Coatbridge

Thinking about moving to Coatbridge? Discover why it's a great place to live, fun things to do here, what the local schools and transport connections are like - and of course the most important thing of all: how much houses cost to buy.

Your guide to moving to Coatbridge

Why Coatbridge is a good place to live

Living in Coatbridge offers a blend of rich history and modern amenities, setting a charming backdrop for life. The town is famously known as the 'Iron Burgh' due to its industrial heritage, which adds a layer of historical significance to its character. Coatbridge is well-connected, with six railway stations and roads leading to major cities like Edinburgh, Stirling, and Glasgow. Green spaces like Dunbeth Park and Drumpellier Country Park present opportunities for outdoor activities. Public facilities like The Time Capsule, with its swimming pool and ice rink, and the Showcase Leisure Park, provide local entertainment. Moving to Coatbridge allows one to enjoy the unique mix of urban convenience and historical ambiance.

What's Coatbridge famous for?

Coatbridge is famous for its significant role in the industrial revolution, being a prominent center for iron works and coal mining. It earned the aliases 'the industrial heartland of Scotland' and 'the Iron Burgh'. The town's distinct Irish heritage is also celebrated through the annual St. Patrick's Day Festival, the largest Irish celebration in Scotland. Coatbridge is also the home of the Summerlee Museum of Scottish Industrial Life, one of the most visited museums in Scotland, which provides an intriguing insight into the history of industry in the West of Scotland.

Things to do in Coatbridge

There's a broad range of activities to do in Coatbridge. One can explore the Summerlee Museum of Scottish Industrial Life for a step back into Coatbridge's industrial era or take a stroll in one of the town's parks, such as Dunbeth Park or Drumpellier Country Park. The Time Capsule is a popular location for leisure activities, featuring a swimming pool, ice rink, and an adventure pool. Film enthusiasts can catch a movie at the Showcase Leisure Park, which also has a bowling complex. For sports fans, a visit to meet Albion Rovers football club or a game at Coatbridge Bowling Club might just be an exciting way to spend the day. The town also offers a variety of local shops and high-street shopping options.

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Average asking prices in Coatbridge today

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12 properties for sale


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38 properties for sale


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21 properties for sale


Avg. asking price


12 properties for sale

Properties currently for sale in Coatbridge

Whether you're looking to buy a family home or a beautiful apartment, we've got you covered.

Transport in Coatbridge

Find the nearest train stations and other transport links in Coatbridge.

Local connections

Coatbridge Central
National Rail
0.2 miles / 0.3 km
Coatbridge Sunnyside
National Rail
0.3 miles / 0.5 km
National Rail
0.6 miles / 1.0 km
National Rail
0.7 miles / 1.1 km
National Rail
0.9 miles / 1.4 km
National Rail
1 miles / 1.6 km

Schools in Coatbridge

Discover local primary schools, secondary schools and sixth form colleges in Coatbridge.

Education in Coatbridge

Greenhill Primary School
Drumpark Primary School
Portland High School
St Augustine's Primary School
Coatbridge High School
St Patrick's Primary School (Coatbridge)

Local pubs in Coatbridge

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