Local area guide

Living in Elgin

Thinking about moving to Elgin? Discover why it's a great place to live, fun things to do here, what the local schools and transport connections are like - and of course the most important thing of all: how much houses cost to buy.

Your guide to moving to Elgin

Why Elgin is a good place to live

Elgin, a charming town nestled in the South Coast of the Moray Firth, is a haven for those seeking a calm and beautiful place to live. It's splendidly surrounded by scenic woodland walks, bike trails, and attractive beaches for lovely outdoor pursuits. Transport links in Elgin are top-notch, providing direct train connections to Aberdeen and Inverness, and it's along major road routes. Living in Elgin also ensures you can bask in the town's historic charm and peaceful atmosphere while benefiting from convenient amenities such as large 24-hour supermarkets and smaller discount stores. An added advantage of relocating to Elgin is the immediate access to well-regarded educational institutions, which are a boon for families.

What's Elgin famous for?

Elgin, fondly placed in the world-renowned whisky region, has made its fame from its connection to distilleries. The town is a part of the malt whisky trail, making it a paradise for whisky aficionados. The local distilleries like Glen Moray, Gordon & MacPhail, and Glen Elgin welcome whisky lovers to partake in tastings and distillery tours. Not only is Elgin famous for its spirits, but it's also revered for its historical landmarks. The architectural gem is undoubtedly the Elgin Cathedral, also known as the Lantern of the North. The ruins of this historic cathedral continue to stand as an emblem of Elgin's rich heritage.

Things to do in Elgin

There's no lack of exciting experiences in Elgin. History buffs can explore the ruins of Elgin Cathedral, climb the towers for remarkable town views, or delve into the buried past at one of Britain’s oldest institutions, the Elgin Museum. For food lovers, Elgin serves an array of dining options ranging from traditional fare at Northern Fish Restaurant to Cadora’s classic fish and chip shop. The town is a part of the malt whisky trail, so visiting local distilleries should definitely be on the cards. If you're more of an outdoorsy person, you can take on nature trails like Culbin Forrest and Ben Rinnes to admire the local fauna or unwind by the serene waters of Cove Bay. You see, in Elgin, there's amusement and wonder around every corner.

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Average asking prices in Elgin today

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17 properties for sale


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51 properties for sale


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27 properties for sale


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19 properties for sale

Properties currently for sale in Elgin

Whether you're looking to buy a family home or a beautiful apartment, we've got you covered.

Transport in Elgin

Find the nearest train stations and other transport links in Elgin.

Local connections

National Rail
0.4 miles / 0.6 km

Schools in Elgin

Discover local primary schools, secondary schools and sixth form colleges in Elgin.

Education in Elgin

St Sylvester's RC Primary School
Linkwood Primary School
East End Primary School
West End Primary School
Bishopmill Primary School
Elgin Academy

Local pubs in Elgin

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