Local area guide

Living in Highbury

Thinking about moving to Highbury? Discover why it's a great place to live, fun things to do here, what the local schools are like, transport connections and so much more.

Your guide to moving to Highbury

Why Highbury is a good place to live

With its idyllic, village-like atmosphere, and well-connected transport links to central London, living in Highbury is a truly unique experience. Situated a mere three miles north of London, the area is dotted with handsome homes, independent shops, and rings with an easy-going vibe. The wide green spaces such as Highbury Fields, Finsbury Park, and Clissold Park offer perfect spots for leisurely strolls or rejuvenating jogs. Even more, Highbury is quieter than the nearby bustling areas of Angel and Islington, thereby offering a peaceful haven without compromising on the city's vibrance and accessibility.

What's Highbury famous for?

Highbury is famous for several iconic spots. It was home to Arsenal FC until 2006 and the magnificent flats that now stand within the old stadium are a key attraction in the area. Highbury Barn, once an entertainment venue comparable to Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens, still draws attention along with the maroon-painted clock tower. Moreover, Highbury's historical connection to the poet John Betjeman remains a point of interest for many.

Things to do in Highbury

There are countless things to explore and enjoy in Highbury. A variety of shopping and dining options on Highbury Park and Blackstock Road always promise a rewarding experience. Specialty shops like a city-famous butcher and cheese shop as well as the local fish and chips and various cafes in the Highbury Barn area offer a flavour of Highbury's diverse food scene. The area is rich with parks for outdoor leisure; Highbury Fields, Clissold Park, and Gillespie Park, an ecological oasis, are notable mentions. You can visit The Hen & Chickens Theatre for fringe performances or head to the Odeon Cinema on Holloway Road for the latest movies.

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Properties currently for sale in Highbury

Whether you're looking to buy a family home or a beautiful apartment, we've got you covered.

Transport in Highbury

Find the nearest train stations and other transport links in Highbury.

Local connections

Highbury & Islington
0.1 miles / 0.2 km
Highbury & Islington
National Rail
0.1 miles / 0.2 km
Essex Road
National Rail
0.4 miles / 0.6 km
National Rail
0.5 miles / 0.8 km
Drayton Park
National Rail
0.5 miles / 0.8 km
Caledonian Road & Barnsbury
National Rail
0.6 miles / 1.0 km

Schools in Highbury

Discover local primary schools, secondary schools and sixth form colleges in Highbury.

Education in Highbury

London Scandinavian School
Ages: 2 - 11 years old
Canonbury Primary School
Ages: 3 - 11 years old
Ofsted Rating: Good (2022)
Laycock Primary School
Ages: 3 - 11 years old
Ofsted Rating: Good (2023)
The Courtyard Islington
Ages: 13 - 19 years old
Ofsted Rating: Good (2023)
North Bridge House Senior Canonbury School
Ages: 11 - 18 years old
William Tyndale Primary School
Ages: 3 - 11 years old
Ofsted Rating: Outstanding (2013)

Local pubs in Highbury

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