Local area guide

Living in Kidwelly

Thinking about moving to Kidwelly? Discover why it's a great place to live, fun things to do here, what the local schools and transport connections are like - and of course the most important thing of all: how much houses cost to buy.

Your guide to moving to Kidwelly

Why Kidwelly is a good place to live

Kidwelly is a captivating town nestled amongst the beautiful scenery of Carmarthenshire, presenting an idyllic setting for a peaceful life. Not only is Kidwelly highly admired for its natural beauty and excellent quality of life, but it is also steeped in a rich history adding a touch of charm to daily life. Moving to Kidwelly gives you the opportunity to experience the tranquillity and allure of the countryside while being in the heart of a flourishing town. Furthermore, Kidwelly is complemented by an array of shops offering day-to-day essentials, and thriving independent businesses, perfect for a leisurely day of shopping.

What's Kidwelly famous for?

Kidwelly is famous for its landmark edifice, the Kidwelly Castle, which is a strikingly well-preserved medieval fortress. It dates back to the 12th century and gives a snapshot into the past. Secondly, the town has a rich historical tapestry with events such as the Battle of Maes Gwenllian in 1136, where Princess Gwenllian led troops into battle. Kidwelly also gained exposure as the filming location for the opening scene of the 1975 film, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, a healthy attraction for movie buffs.

Things to do in Kidwelly

Kidwelly offers a variety of activities for those who enjoy history, nature and more. Exploring the Kidwelly Castle stands as one of the most preferred activities, offering visitors an immersive historical experience. The castle also hosts an on-site exhibition, making it an educational as well as an entertaining visit. Traversing the lush countryside is very rewarding, best experienced in the Gwendraeth Valley and Glan-yr-Afon Nature Reserve. Kidwelly's Industrial Museum provides an insight into the area's industrial past, enriching the knowledge of its residents. Lastly, a trip to the local galleries and craft shops allows one to appreciate the vibrant creativity this town embodies.

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Average asking prices in Kidwelly today

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17 properties for sale


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72 properties for sale


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24 properties for sale


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2 properties for sale

Properties currently for sale in Kidwelly

Whether you're looking to buy a family home or a beautiful apartment, we've got you covered.

Transport in Kidwelly

Find the nearest train stations and other transport links in Kidwelly.

Local connections

National Rail
0.5 miles / 0.8 km
National Rail
3.5 miles / 5.6 km
Pembrey & Burry Port
National Rail
4.4 miles / 7.1 km
National Rail
7.6 miles / 12.2 km
National Rail
8.1 miles / 13.0 km
National Rail
9.9 miles / 15.9 km

Schools in Kidwelly

Discover local primary schools, secondary schools and sixth form colleges in Kidwelly.

Education in Kidwelly

Ysgol Gymraeg Gwenllian
Ysgol Y Castell
Ysgol Mynydd Y Garreg
Trimsaran C.P. School
Carway C.P. School
Ferryside V.C.P. School

Local pubs in Kidwelly

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