Local area guide

Living in Larkhall

Thinking about moving to Larkhall? Discover why it's a great place to live, fun things to do here, what the local schools and transport connections are like - and of course the most important thing of all: how much houses cost to buy.

Your guide to moving to Larkhall

Why Larkhall is a good place to live

Imagine living in Larkhall, a charming spot that sits between the River Clyde and the Avon Water. Weaving a perfect balance between rural and urban living, Larkhall delights you with picturesque surroundings that are just a stone's throw from the friendly bustle of city life. With delightfully affordable homes, you'll find beautiful flats, cosy terraced houses, and grand detached homes, all within your reach. Whether you need to pop into Glasgow, Edinburgh, or other nearby towns, rest assured because the excellent transportation links here make commuting a breeze.

What's Larkhall famous for?

Fancy a historical trivia? Larkhall is famous as the home of the iconic Morgan Glen viaduct, which holds the title as Scotland's tallest viaduct. If you're a sucker for haunting legends, you'll be thrilled to know about the notorious 'Black Lady of Larkhall,' a heart-stirring ghost story deeply anchored in local lore. Not to forget, the town's rich record of traditional industries including mining and textiles, painting the picture of its thriving past as an industrial centre.

Things to do in Larkhall

Living in Larkhall opens you up to an array of exciting things to do, catering to all tastes. Relish the sumptuous meals served in local restaurants after a day well spent at the Larkhall Museum. For fitness enthusiasts or families looking for an outdoor retreat, Strutherhill Park is just the right place. Then there is Chatelherault Country Park, an undeniable scenic spot that enchants visitors with its serene beauty. Looking for more excitement? Mark your calendars for events such as the annual Larkhall Festival and the lights switch-on during Christmas to take part in the town's vibrant festivities.

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Average asking prices in Larkhall today

We update our average asking prices every day using data from millions of properties for sale.


Avg. asking price


23 properties for sale


Avg. asking price


23 properties for sale


Avg. asking price


9 properties for sale


Avg. asking price


3 properties for sale

Properties currently for sale in Larkhall

Whether you're looking to buy a family home or a beautiful apartment, we've got you covered.

Transport in Larkhall

Find the nearest train stations and other transport links in Larkhall.

Local connections

National Rail
0.1 miles / 0.2 km
National Rail
0.6 miles / 1.0 km
National Rail
2.1 miles / 3.4 km
National Rail
2.7 miles / 4.3 km
National Rail
2.9 miles / 4.7 km
National Rail
3.1 miles / 5.0 km

Schools in Larkhall

Discover local primary schools, secondary schools and sixth form colleges in Larkhall.

Education in Larkhall

Machanhill Primary School
Larkhall Academy
St Mary's Primary School (Larkhall)
Glengowan Primary School
Robert Smillie Memorial Primary School
Hareleeshill Primary School

Local pubs in Larkhall

In partnership with
  • Bully Inn

    Quarter, Hamilton, ML3

    Friendly, family-run country pub, at the heart of the community, hosting many theme nights and special events.

  • Back Road

    Stonehouse, Larkhall, ML9

    The Back Road pub is on the back road through the South Lanarkshire village, Stonehouse, near Larkhall. It is a traditional community local and well supported.

  • Electric Bar

    Motherwell, Lanarkshire, ML1

    One of the best Award winning pubs and restaurants in Motherwell.