Local area guide

Living in Lisson Grove

Thinking about moving to Lisson Grove? Discover why it's a great place to live, fun things to do here, what the local schools are like, transport connections and so much more.

Your guide to moving to Lisson Grove

Why Lisson Grove is a good place to live

Lisson Grove promises a blend of convenience, history, and charm for those considering moving to Lisson Grove. Its location in central London makes it quite effortless to commute to different parts of the city. Lisson Grove is tucked away near Regent's Park and Hyde Park, offering ample green spaces for a peaceful retreat. Art enthusiasts will enjoy the neighbourhood's vibrant art scene packed with galleries and exhibitions. The area boasts an array of diverse dining options and pubs that promise delightful evenings. The vibrant Church Street Market is not far away, offering an enticing collection of antiques, making it a unique shopping destination.

What's Lisson Grove famous for?

Lisson Grove is famous for being a hub of the arts. The area houses the Lisson Gallery representing leading contemporary artists, which certainly makes this place a paradise for art lovers. Lisson Grove is also renowned for Alfies Antique Market. This vast indoor antiques market, nestled in an art deco-style building, hosts around a hundred traders selling a vast assortment of items. This location has attracted several notable artists, writers, and Victorian-era luminaries, adding a captivating historic context to the area.

Things to do in Lisson Grove

Living in Lisson Grove, you'll find no shortage of things to do. You can spend your weekends at the buzzing Church Street Market, searching for rare antiques and beautifully designed collectibles. You can explore an impressive myriad of modern art at the Lisson Gallery or delve into interesting exhibitions at other art venues like the Show Room and Mark Jason Gallery. The Sea Shell restaurant in Lisson Grove offers the perfect place to savour traditional British fish and chips. And for those who crave the comfort of nature, Regent's Park with its stunning gardens and open spaces, is just a leisurely stroll away.

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Properties currently for sale in Lisson Grove

Whether you're looking to buy a family home or a beautiful apartment, we've got you covered.

Transport in Lisson Grove

Find the nearest train stations and other transport links in Lisson Grove.

Local connections

Edgware Road Bakerloo
0.4 miles / 0.6 km
London Marylebone
National Rail
0.5 miles / 0.8 km
0.5 miles / 0.8 km
Edgware Road Circle
0.5 miles / 0.8 km
Warwick Avenue
0.6 miles / 1.0 km
St. John's Wood
0.6 miles / 1.0 km

Schools in Lisson Grove

Discover local primary schools, secondary schools and sixth form colleges in Lisson Grove.

Education in Lisson Grove

Gateway Academy
Ages: 3 - 11 years old
Ofsted Rating: Good (2022)
Abingdon House School
Ages: 5 - 19 years old
St John's Wood Pre-Preparatory School
Ages: 3 - 7 years old
Ofsted Rating: Good (2023)
St Edward's Catholic Primary School
Ages: 3 - 11 years old
Ofsted Rating: Good (2023)
United Colleges Group
Ages: 16 - 99 years old
Ofsted Rating: Requires improvement (2022)
Ark King Solomon Academy
Ages: 2 - 18 years old
Ofsted Rating: Outstanding (2023)

Local pubs in Lisson Grove

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