Local area guide

Living in Llandrindod Wells

Thinking about moving to Llandrindod Wells? Discover why it's a great place to live, fun things to do here, what the local schools and transport connections are like - and of course the most important thing of all: how much houses cost to buy.

Your guide to moving to Llandrindod Wells

Why Llandrindod Wells is a good place to live

Llandrindod Wells, lovingly known as 'Landod', is truly a delight to live in. This beautiful Welsh town is enriched with the charm of Victorian-era architecture, wide boulevards, and distinguished shop fronts. It's filled with green spaces that you can relish, such as Rock Park and Llandrindod Wells Lake Park. Plus, there's no shortage of family-friendly activities here. From playing table tennis and crazy golf at Princes Avenue Leisure Park to swinging your clubs at the town's historical golf club, a fun-filled day is always at your fingertips. Also, don't forget to pamper yourself at The Rock Spa in the grand Metropole Hotel. Living in Llandrindod Wells means embracing a lifestyle that harks back to a more elegant and leisurely era, while also savouring the conveniences of modern living in Wales.

What's Llandrindod Wells famous for?

Llandrindod Wells is famous for its unique blend of Victorian and Edwardian architecture, plenty enough to transport you back in time. The town is renowned for its past status as a Victorian-era spa town, with healing spring waters that drew visitors from far and wide. The echoes of this past are still felt strongly today, with its historical buildings and beautiful landscapes. Not to be overlooked in Llandrindod Wells's glorious history is the Automobile Palace, a symbol of its motoring heritage. It now hosts the internationally recognised International Six Days Trial, making it an important part of the town's modern identity.

Things to do in Llandrindod Wells

There's no shortage of things to do when you're in Llandrindod Wells. History buffs can explore the town's rich heritage with the Llandrindod Wells Heritage Trail, which begins at the picturesque Rock Park. Those interested in the local history mustn't miss out on the Radnorshire Museum. And if you prefer retail therapy, you'll find joy browsing through the Victorian shops on Middleton Street. Temple Gardens also offers a tranquil space for leisurely strolls and tranquil contemplation. Cycling enthusiasts, on the other hand, will find plenty of treasures at the National Cycle Collection. With letting your imagination roam in imagining a bygone era, to enjoying invigorating outdoor activities, Llandrindod Wells opens the gates of joy and discovery at every turn.

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Average asking prices in Llandrindod Wells today

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15 properties for sale


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50 properties for sale


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13 properties for sale


Avg. asking price


29 properties for sale

Properties currently for sale in Llandrindod Wells

Whether you're looking to buy a family home or a beautiful apartment, we've got you covered.

Transport in Llandrindod Wells

Find the nearest train stations and other transport links in Llandrindod Wells.

Local connections

National Rail
0.1 miles / 0.2 km
Pen-y-Bont (Mid Wales)
National Rail
3.4 miles / 5.5 km
Builth Road
National Rail
5.3 miles / 8.5 km
National Rail
6.2 miles / 10.0 km
National Rail
7 miles / 11.3 km
Llanbister Road
National Rail
9.7 miles / 15.6 km

Schools in Llandrindod Wells

Discover local primary schools, secondary schools and sixth form colleges in Llandrindod Wells.

Education in Llandrindod Wells

Ysgol Cefnllys
Ysgol Trefonnen Church in Wales Community Primary
Crossgates C.P. School
Newbridge-On-Wye Church In Wales School
Franksbridge C.P. School
Llanelwedd Church In Wales Primary School

Local pubs in Llandrindod Wells

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