Local area guide

Living in Maesteg

Thinking about moving to Maesteg? Discover why it's a great place to live, fun things to do here, what the local schools and transport connections are like - and of course the most important thing of all: how much houses cost to buy.

Your guide to moving to Maesteg

Why Maesteg is a good place to live

For those who value a sense of history and a close-knit community, living in Maesteg presents a quaint balance. The town is embraced by the beautiful Llynfi Valley, offering residents a constant connection to nature's beauty. Commuting to work in nearby towns like Port Talbot, Bridgend, and Cardiff is quite convenient from Maesteg. It also adds to the town's charm that 11% of the population speak Welsh, preserving the cultural heritage. Maesteg fosters an irresistible passion for music and theatre, with a rich tradition of choirs and performance groups.

What's Maesteg famous for?

Maesteg is famous for its historical significance in the industrial revolution, boasting of ironworks established in the 1820s and coal mining. The rich musical tradition of the town is also noteworthy. It is here that the Welsh national anthem was first performed, a fact that places Maesteg firmly in the annals of Welsh cultural history. Adding to the cultural charm, the town has been the birthplace of notable artists like Christopher Williams, with some of his works displayed at the town hall.

Things to do in Maesteg

The culturally inclined would find Maesteg rich with options for indulging their passions. The local choirs and theatrical performances at Maesteg Town Hall occur regularly and provide ample opportunities for entertainment. The town is home to sports clubs like Maesteg Park A.F.C and Maesteg RFC for football and rugby enthusiasts, along with the Maesteg Cricket Club for those more inclined towards cricket. The Llynfi Valley walks present a chance to soak in the panoramic views starting from this former mining town. Visit Maesteg Town Hall to appreciate the art of local artist Christopher Williams.

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Average asking prices in Maesteg today

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Avg. asking price


29 properties for sale


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27 properties for sale


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28 properties for sale


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4 properties for sale

Properties currently for sale in Maesteg

Whether you're looking to buy a family home or a beautiful apartment, we've got you covered.

Transport in Maesteg

Find the nearest train stations and other transport links in Maesteg.

Local connections

National Rail
0.2 miles / 0.3 km
Maesteg (Ewenny Road)
National Rail
0.5 miles / 0.8 km
Garth (Bridgend County)
National Rail
1.1 miles / 1.8 km
National Rail
5 miles / 8.0 km
Port Talbot Parkway
National Rail
5.4 miles / 8.7 km
National Rail
5.7 miles / 9.2 km

Schools in Maesteg

Discover local primary schools, secondary schools and sixth form colleges in Maesteg.

Education in Maesteg

Plasnewydd Primary School
St. Mary`s & St. Patrick`s
Maesteg Comprehensive School
Ygg Cynwyd Sant
Nantyffyllon Primary School
Garth Primary School

Local pubs in Maesteg

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