Local area guide

Living in Melton Mowbray

Thinking about moving to Melton Mowbray? Discover why it's a great place to live, fun things to do here, what the local schools and transport connections are like - and of course the most important thing of all: how much houses cost to buy.

Your guide to moving to Melton Mowbray

Why Melton Mowbray is a good place to live

Moving to Melton Mowbray is a wonderful idea for lovers of charming market towns. This quiet, rural place is treasured for its captivating countryside and plethora of scenic walks. It's managed to retain a pleasant, small town feel, but don't mistake this for a lack of amenities. It boasts fascinating shops, cosy coffee bars and delectable places to eat. Plus, it's near cities like Nottingham and Leicester for broader city amenities. Top it all off with convenient transport links for easy travel across the country, including fast connections to London. Living in Melton Mowbray is like having a quaint, picturesque getaway that's just a stone's throw from bustling city life.

What's Melton Mowbray famous for?

Melton Mowbray carries a foodie fame that goes beyond British borders. It's celebrated worldwide for producing thick pastry pork pies—an authenticity so distinct it's aided by Protected Geographical Indication status. It also shares the prestige of being an authorised maker of Stilton cheese, another protected specialty that's a treat for cheese enthusiasts. Along with these culinary achievements, it smack-dabs in history, associated with English royalty since the 1100s, and known for the Leicestershire Hunt, which coined the county's mascot. Locals and tourists alike often refer to the town as 'Melton' for short.

Things to do in Melton Mowbray

When spending time in Melton Mowbray, the local history provides an array of exploratory adventures. You might start by visiting the architectural masterpiece that is St Mary's Church, before heading to the Anne of Cleves pub for a drink in a historic setting. Take some time to wander the lively local markets that take place weekly. If you're intrigued by the town's historic hunting connection, stop by the Melton Heritage Trail and the Melton Carnegie Museum to delve into its traditional pastimes, from the renowned fox hunting to the production of Stilton cheese and Melton Mowbray pork pies.

We have used a bespoke generative AI model to help us research and create our area guides. All of our content is reviewed, and edited where needed, by our trusted team of Zoopla content editors.

Average asking prices in Melton Mowbray today

We update our average asking prices every day using data from millions of properties for sale.


Avg. asking price


16 properties for sale


Avg. asking price


74 properties for sale


Avg. asking price


31 properties for sale


Avg. asking price


12 properties for sale

Transport in Melton Mowbray

Find the nearest train stations and other transport links in Melton Mowbray.

Local connections

Melton Mowbray
National Rail
0.3 miles / 0.5 km
National Rail
9 miles / 14.5 km
National Rail
9.5 miles / 15.3 km
National Rail
9.6 miles / 15.4 km

Schools in Melton Mowbray

Discover local primary schools, secondary schools and sixth form colleges in Melton Mowbray.

Education in Melton Mowbray

Saint Francis Catholic Primary School
Ages: 4 - 11 years old
Ofsted Rating: Good (2023)
The Grove Primary School
Ages: 5 - 11 years old
Ofsted Rating: Good (2023)
Brownlow Primary School
Ages: 4 - 11 years old
Ofsted Rating: Good (2023)
Long Field Spencer Academy
Ages: 11 - 19 years old
Ofsted Rating: Good (2023)
Sherard Primary School
Ages: 2 - 11 years old
Ofsted Rating: Good (2022)
Swallowdale Primary School and Community Centre
Ages: 4 - 11 years old
Ofsted Rating: Good (2022)

Local pubs in Melton Mowbray

In partnership with
  • Black Swan

    Melton Craven, Melton Mowbray, LE13

    Friendly, town centre pub with pool and darts. Quiz night every Tuesday. 4 Pool and darts teams for both ladies and gents.

  • Boat Inn

    Melton Warwick, Melton Mowbray, LE13