Local area guide

Living in Montrose

Thinking about moving to Montrose? Discover why it's a great place to live, fun things to do here, what the local schools and transport connections are like - and of course the most important thing of all: how much houses cost to buy.

Your guide to moving to Montrose

Why Montrose is a good place to live

Living in Montrose affords the opportunity to enjoy picturesque coastal living, thanks to it being situated between the North Sea and Montrose Basin. Its high street has a wonderful mix of independent and high-street shops while its expansive sandy beach is perfect for leisurely strolls. Excellent transport links make travel and commuting simplified, ensuring other nearby Scottish cities such as Dundee, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh are accessible. Notably, its dining scene is filled with cosy eateries and pubs that serve delicious meals. Montrose provides an amazing balance of natural beauty and urban convenience, which makes it a rather special place to call home.

What's Montrose famous for?

One standout feature Montrose is famous for is its golf course - the Montrose Medal, one of the oldest in the world dating back to 1562. Interestingly, it's also famous for being home to the largest inland saltwater basin in the UK, the Montrose Basin, an important habitat for a variety of wildlife, particularly mute swans. A notable contribution to culture and sculpture in Angus is found here, with over 20 statues strewn around the town. Finally, music enthusiasts might recognise Montrose for its annual free live music festival, affectionately known as 'Mo Fest.'

Things to do in Montrose

A breathtaking array of activities awaits those visiting or living in Montrose. Begin your adventure by visiting the Montrose Basin Nature Reserve where you can marvel at the rich birdlife. A trip to the beach isn't a bad idea either - with a 3-mile-long sandy stretch recently awarded a Blue Flag for its ecological credentials. For history lovers, a visit to Montrose Museum and Art Gallery, the Montrose Air Station Heritage Centre, or the historic House of Dun are must do's. Participate in the largest free live music festival in Scotland, the Montrose Music Festival, or if sports is your thing, you might consider a round of golf at the historic Montrose golf course or catch a game at the Links Park.

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Average asking prices in Montrose today

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21 properties for sale


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51 properties for sale


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24 properties for sale


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39 properties for sale

Properties currently for sale in Montrose

Whether you're looking to buy a family home or a beautiful apartment, we've got you covered.

Transport in Montrose

Find the nearest train stations and other transport links in Montrose.

Local connections

National Rail
0.2 miles / 0.3 km
National Rail
8.1 miles / 13.0 km

Schools in Montrose

Discover local primary schools, secondary schools and sixth form colleges in Montrose.

Education in Montrose

Montrose Academy
Southesk Primary School
St Margaret's RC Primary School
Lochside Primary School
Ferryden Primary School
Borrowfield Primary School

Local pubs in Montrose

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