Local area guide

Living in Shanklin

Thinking about moving to Shanklin? Discover why it's a great place to live, fun things to do here, what the local schools and transport connections are like - and of course the most important thing of all: how much houses cost to buy.

Your guide to moving to Shanklin

Why Shanklin is a good place to live

Shanklin, located on the Isle of Wight, is a splendid place to live. This charming town presents a delightful combination of untouched nature and picturesque buildings. The town is revered for its quaint architecture, ranging from genuine thatched cottages to Victorian villas and regency townhouses. Furthermore, Shanklin boasts a slower pace of life, offering its residents a chance to unwind and enjoy the simpler pleasures in life. With lush greenery and vintage-inspired lounge bars, there is a serene charm about living in Shanklin. Also, being in the sunny southeast corner of the Isle of Wight, Shanklin guarantees significant sunlight exposure and easy access to sandy beaches, making it a delightful place to live.

What's Shanklin famous for?

Shanklin effortlessly blends natural beauty with historical charm. Firstly, Shanklin is famous for its Blue Flag beach which signifies cleanliness and high environmental standards. Also, Shanklin Chine, a spectacular natural gorge complete with waterfalls, serves as a renowned figure of the town. This town has also richly maintained its historical essence, confirmed by its mention in the Domesday Book of 1086 as 'Sencling'. More recently, Shanklin was named the UK's 5th most charming small town by Global Travel Site Big 7 Travel, thanks to its friendly locals and admirable collection of independent shops and restaurants.

Things to do in Shanklin

With so many things to do in Shanklin, boredom is rarely an option. You can start your day by enjoying an iced coffee at the beach-front Waterfront Inn and relish a heavenly cream tea at The Old Thatch Teashop on Church Road, situated in the old village of Shanklin. For nature enthusiasts, exploring Shanklin's scenic cycle routes and walking paths could be an exciting adventure. You could also visit Rylstone Gardens and Big Mead Park for their enticing expanse of lush greenery. Varied other amenities like Shanklin Theatre prove to be the perfect end to an exciting day. Whether you're an adventure lover or a history buff, there are endless opportunities to discover in Shanklin.

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Average asking prices in Shanklin today

We update our average asking prices every day using data from millions of properties for sale.


Avg. asking price


5 properties for sale


Avg. asking price


45 properties for sale


Avg. asking price


15 properties for sale


Avg. asking price


26 properties for sale

Properties currently for sale in Shanklin

Whether you're looking to buy a family home or a beautiful apartment, we've got you covered.

Transport in Shanklin

Find the nearest train stations and other transport links in Shanklin.

Local connections

National Rail
0.4 miles / 0.6 km
National Rail
1.3 miles / 2.1 km
National Rail
2.1 miles / 3.4 km
National Rail
3.8 miles / 6.1 km
Smallbrook Junction
National Rail
5.8 miles / 9.3 km
Ryde St Johns Road
National Rail
6.7 miles / 10.8 km

Schools in Shanklin

Discover local primary schools, secondary schools and sixth form colleges in Shanklin.

Education in Shanklin

St Blasius Shanklin CofE Primary Academy
Ages: 4 - 11 years old
Ofsted Rating: Good (2023)
Gatten and Lake Primary School
Ages: 5 - 11 years old
Ofsted Rating: Good (2022)
Broadlea Primary School
Ages: 4 - 11 years old
Ofsted Rating: Good (2021)
Wroxall Primary School
Ages: 2 - 11 years old
Ofsted Rating: Requires improvement (2022)
The Bay Church of England School
Ages: 4 - 16 years old
Ofsted Rating: Good (2023)
Forest Edge School
Ages: 11 - 14 years old

Local pubs in Shanklin

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