Local area guide

Living in Shefford

Thinking about moving to Shefford? Discover why it's a great place to live, fun things to do here, what the local schools and transport connections are like - and of course the most important thing of all: how much houses cost to buy.

Your guide to moving to Shefford

Why Shefford is a good place to live

A tranquil blend of town and country life is a defining feature of living in Shefford. Surrounded by enchanting countryside vistas and nourished by the rivers Flit and Hit, Shefford spoils you with its natural beauty. Acknowledged as one of the 'Best 260 Places to Live', the small market town merges tradition with modern conveniences. With over 70% of businesses on High Street being independent, Shefford offers a refreshing departure from the usual high-street chains. Alongside this, the robust social infrastructure includes a variety of schools, an extensive medical practice, and everyday amenities like local eateries, petrol stations, supermarkets, among others. Furthermore, Shefford's location allows for easy commuting to major cities like London and Cambridge, perfect if you are considering moving to Shefford.

What's Shefford famous for?

Shefford is famous for its rich historical tapestry, dating back to Roman times, as evidenced by archaeological findings. The laboring-class poet Robert Bloomfield, whose fame peeked nationally, also called Shefford home. The town crest bears tribute to the sheep market, reflected in the original name Sheepford, and Robert Bloomfield's legacy, signified by the quill pen. Additionally, Shefford served as an inland port during the 19th century, and the Ivel Navigation extension to Shefford coined the Shefford Canal's historical significance. Finally, during World War II, the town hosted a Jewish children's community under 'Operation Pied Piper.'

Things to do in Shefford

Those residing or visiting Shefford will find many activities to delight in. If you enjoy the outdoors, Shefford and its surrounds offer breathtaking hiking, road cycling, and mountain biking activities. The Pegsdon Hills, part of the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, offer stunning panoramas to take in. Culinary explorers can sample the town's delightful culinary scene, which includes a variety of restaurants and the Banks and Taylor microbrewery. History enthusiasts will thoroughly enjoy perusing historical landmarks and buildings or partaking in local historical societies. And, of course, no mention of things to do in Shefford would be complete without touting the Shuttleworth Collection – one of the most preserved historical aircraft collections in the world.

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Average asking prices in Shefford today

We update our average asking prices every day using data from millions of properties for sale.


Avg. asking price


6 properties for sale


Avg. asking price


28 properties for sale


Avg. asking price


8 properties for sale


Avg. asking price


9 properties for sale

Properties currently for sale in Shefford

Whether you're looking to buy a family home or a beautiful apartment, we've got you covered.

Transport in Shefford

Find the nearest train stations and other transport links in Shefford.

Local connections

National Rail
3.1 miles / 5.0 km
National Rail
4.5 miles / 7.2 km
Letchworth Garden City
National Rail
6.1 miles / 9.8 km
National Rail
6.4 miles / 10.3 km
National Rail
6.6 miles / 10.6 km
National Rail
7 miles / 11.3 km

Schools in Shefford

Discover local primary schools, secondary schools and sixth form colleges in Shefford.

Education in Shefford

Robert Bloomfield Academy
Ages: 9 - 13 years old
Ofsted Rating: Outstanding (2014)
Shefford Lower School
Ages: 3 - 9 years old
Ofsted Rating: Good (2023)
Samuel Whitbread Academy
Ages: 13 - 18 years old
Ofsted Rating: Good (2023)
Campton Academy
Ages: 5 - 9 years old
Ofsted Rating: Good (2023)
Clifton All Saints Academy
Ages: 4 - 11 years old
Ofsted Rating: Good (2022)
Meppershall Church of England Academy
Ages: 4 - 11 years old

Local pubs in Shefford

In partnership with
  • Railway Steamer

    Shefford, Bedfordshire, SG17

    A lively local pub with a large lounge bar, a separate smaller front bar featuring pool and darts, and a large beer garden.