Local area guide

Living in Stranraer

Thinking about moving to Stranraer? Discover why it's a great place to live, fun things to do here, what the local schools and transport connections are like - and of course the most important thing of all: how much houses cost to buy.

Your guide to moving to Stranraer

Why Stranraer is a good place to live

Stranraer is a haven for those seeking a comfortable life wrapped in the charm of a rural location coupled with urban conveniences. This cosy town, set on an isthmus amongst low rolling hills and mesmerising oceanic vistas, imbues a sense of escape. Living in Stranraer, you'll be nestled in an area that regenerates itself continually, promising a long-term rewarding experience. The town is edged with commendable educational institutions, asserting a favourable environment for families. Its favourable position, embroidered with the beauty of Loch Ryan and teeming with a robust blend of history and modernity, makes Stranraer an attractive destination for those moving from around the country.

What's Stranraer famous for?

Stranraer is famous for its episodic history as a bustling ferry port, acting as a gateway to other lands until the ferry moved up the coast. Its strategic location by the shore of Loch Ryan and rich Gaelic heritage, which ties it in spirit and history to Ireland and the British Isles, adds to the town's charm. Moreover, the fame of Stranraer is often linked with the Castle of St John, a medieval marvel, and the unique breed of Belted Galloway cattle, established as a separate breed in 1921.

Things to do in Stranraer

A journey to Stranraer promises a bundle of fascinating experiences. For the food lovers, local favourites like The Central Cafe and the seafood at Henrys Bayhouse are not to be missed. History enthusiasts will enjoy a visit to the Castle of St John and Stranraer Museum. Exploring nearby gardens, Ardwell Gardens and Castle Kennedy Gardens, and venturing to Scotland's most southerly point, the Mull of Galloway, also offer unforgettable experiences. An array of sporting facilities allows for a variety of activities, while the natural splendour that surrounds Stranraer creates endless opportunities for walking, hiking and simply soaking in the views.

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Average asking prices in Stranraer today

We update our average asking prices every day using data from millions of properties for sale.


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18 properties for sale


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23 properties for sale


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10 properties for sale


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12 properties for sale

Properties currently for sale in Stranraer

Whether you're looking to buy a family home or a beautiful apartment, we've got you covered.

Transport in Stranraer

Find the nearest train stations and other transport links in Stranraer.

Local connections

Stranraer Ferry Terminal
Ferry Port
0.3 miles / 0.5 km
National Rail
0.4 miles / 0.6 km
Cairnryan Ferry Terminal
Ferry Port
4.3 miles / 6.9 km

Schools in Stranraer

Discover local primary schools, secondary schools and sixth form colleges in Stranraer.

Education in Stranraer

Park School
St Joseph's RC School
Sheuchan School
Belmont School
Rephad School
Stranraer Academy

Local pubs in Stranraer

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